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谢谢你对克恩县地方检察官办公室感兴趣! 三十多年前,我开始了一段类似的旅程, 寻找能带来挑战的工作和职业, 实现, 在一个我可以养家糊口并称之为家的地方做公共服务. 在克恩县地方检察官办公室的工作提供了所有这些,甚至更多, and Kern County is always seeking out applicants of all levels of experience to join us in the endless pursuit of 正义. Working in the Kern County 地方检察官's Office is incredibly fulfilling work where your efforts have genuine, 对我们一起工作和生活的社区和家庭产生积极影响. Those who are from Kern County are familiar with the many benefits of living in centrally located Kern, 包括快速进入加州海岸或山区的宝藏, 以及介于两者之间的一切. 大部分员工都驻扎在贝克斯菲尔德, a career with the Kern County 地方检察官's Office promises a high quality of life in a fast-growing, 家庭友好型城市,拥有住房仍然很容易实现.

克恩县地方检察官办公室一直在寻找律师, 调查人员, 刑事专家, and a broad variety of clerical and support positions required to manage the cases brought by the office. 我们也提供志愿者和 支付 为法学院学生和法学院应届毕业生提供实习机会. 以下只是申请人通常可以获得的一些机会, 其中许多公司现在都有招聘和招聘服务.

Salaries, benefits, and requirements for all of the below positions can be found on the page 县工作信息. Note that attorney and law clerk/intern positions are best applied for initially via email directly to KCDA's hiring email address, 哪个以这些位置而闻名.